Weight Loss Surgery

Early last year, I completed the steps to qualify for weight loss surgery, specifically gastric bypass. For those who don't know, gastric bypass is when the stomach is divided into a small upper pouch and a much larger lower "remnant" pouch, where then the small intestine is rearranged to connect to both.

My first-ever consultation was in December 2018 with Dr. Aher at the Vanderbilt Weight Loss Center. I learned all the things, talked it over with my husband, and ultimately decided to try and lose weight on my own. So I left the doctor's office and started on my journey to lose weight; through healthy food choices, regular exercise, portion control, increased water intake, daily vitamins, and consistency. I lost a few pounds here and there, but ultimately my hormones were so out of wack that it was hard to get the weight to budge.

I had my second consultation three years later, May 2021 and thought, okay, I could do the surgery if I had the proper knowledge and support. However, I still wasn't mentally prepared for how much my life would change. Eating slowly, drinking last, protein shakes, food journals, etc., it all seemed so daunting and I wasn’t sure if I could follow all those rules.

However, as the pain in my joints increased, and the thought of improving my life became more apparent, the idea of having surgery became more realistic, and I began to mentally shift. After learning about the experiences of a few people I knew (who had the surgery), I was more comfortable and confident that this was something I should do.

On June 3, 2022, I had gastric bypass surgery. As of today, it's been seven months since my surgery, and it has been one of the best decisions of my life. Big love to my husband, bestie, and parents for being my support system!

To date, I've lost 80 pounds! My joints are rejoicing, hormones are in check, energy is high and my booty is still bootying LOL

That said, for anyone having to make a hard decision, I encourage you to choose yourself, whatever that means for you.


Marriage vs. Love

