Open Road

When my husband and I were dating, we discovered that we both loved writing, so we created a creative writing exercise to experience as a couple. We would choose a word (or short phrase) and write separate poems using that word/phrase. When we finished writing, we would read our poems aloud and be amazed at how different our minds thought. Each time we did this, we realized how our experiences shaped how we penned our poems. Of course, our perspectives were needed, but most importantly, these writing exercises helped me learn about my husband in a way I could understand. It also helped me see his intelligence, which is one of the many reasons I admire him greatly.

That said, I am sharing with you his perspective on the phrase 'Open Road'. Ladies and Gents, Mr. Brennen Boose:

Decision-making tactics
Seem to go backwards
When you reach the Y
Only a fork for this life-sized steak
Red light, green light fill your plate
No magic 8-ball can remove the weight
No my friend, you have a decision to make

Choose this path 
Alas, the course they paved for you
Read this chapter
Regurgitate it after
And you mastered it,
Now you fit the cookie-cutter counterfeit
The creativity derelict
The mind numbing crucifix
Of the magnificent anomaly of statistics 
You should've been

But you didn't make that choice
No you choose this path
Masked with glory of individuality
You circumcised commonality 
Left with the scars
Of a caged bird which fought through bars
Those bruises give you character
They are simply exterior
Marks that are drops in an ocean compared to your interior
The heart of a champion 
With skin to break any barrier

You are the rogue
You refused to let your soul corrode
Freedom of self has lightened your load
You paved your own open road

#poemsbyboose #creativewriting #love #openroad #writer #writing 


Andy Warhol


Marriage vs. Love