To Be Great

During my early teenage years, I learned one of the best ways for me to express myself was through poetry.

My initial introduction to the art form was as a middle school student at Wharton Arts Magnet. My teacher at the time introduced us to the various poetry structures, including blank verse, rhymed poetry, free verse, narrative poetry, haiku, sonnet, etc.

One of our assignments was to write a book of poetry using all the different poetry structures. I can remember being so proud of my book, and I loved what my thirteen-year-old self came up with... I thought I was a natural LOL. I loved it so much, I still have that book in my office.

Still today, I write poetry. As a blogger, many of my works have been kept hidden away only for me to read, but while I'm on this self-growth journey, I'm inspired to share a few of my writings via this blog.

To Be Great


College degrees


Awards and trophies.

Standing ovations

Sell out crowds

Fans in lines and screams of love out loud.

To be great

Seven figures.

Luxury class.

Gated homes.

Charter planes and Personal assistants.

To be great

Followers and likes

Assets and land.


Fitted tuxs.

Invite list and car service.




As we invent ideas and constantly change our opinions and paths we sense that burning motivation for more.

It must mean more.

It has to go further and require those extraordinary sets of patience and discipline.

It includes the perseverance to strive to know yourself independent of your talents while wrapped in Gods love complete with no conditions.

Embodying the almighty through every great and every unknown.

To be great means to cover others and omit the stings we humans often give in the uncoiling process.

You see we don’t ever finish being great

We continually press and pray toward the great.

Always moving forward while on other’s shoulders, while sometimes reaching for their nurturing hands as their prayers kneel and are mentally patient with our development stages to reach the finishing laps around the track of legacy.

To be great is to to be above the norm.

Not average. Not ordinary.

Nothing common. Nothing Mainstream.

There’s nothing regular in trying to exemplify the power of epic greatness.

To be great

The highest symbol of your destiny.

Singular destiny.

My destiny is not yours.

Me. You.

Just like that uniquely exceptional child who did earn the first place ribbon at the spelling bee

but studied and helped the ones who didn’t get a ribbon at all.

To be great. It is you.

That name.Your name.

Your love for self and community

masterfully conquering your life for the life of others..

To be Epic.

To be Chosen.

To be true.

To be great.

Cat Boose © 2017


Starter Locs


Girl Like Me